Imja: Exercise in Long Bets
This is an experiment in how I can have an impact in software engineering best practices, through training and improved tools. There’s a few big things in the works, but the idea here is:
We need to improve cross-team communication to deliver the best software
Save more time with better software, hacks cost lot more over longer time
Not everyone will read Fowler and Schneier and follow best practices. How do we train them to do that?
To do this, I’ll be doing a few things: writing more, and doing a lot of workshops on the cross-section of -> Security, Leadership skills, Software Engineering. I am by no means an expert but I will be sharing what I learn in this journey.
This is a long bet, and every long bet starts with a failure. I want to fail at the right problems.
cover image By Kogo - Own work, GFDL,"